Title Search in Thailand
Title Search in Thailand. Investing in real estate is a significant undertaking, and ensuring the legitimacy of property ownership is paramount. In Thailand, conducting a thorough title search is a crucial step in the real estate transaction process. This article delves into the importance of title searches in Thailand, the legal framework surrounding property titles, […]
Marriage Visa in Thailand
Marriage Visa in Thailand. For couples seeking to build a life together in Thailand, the Marriage Visa, formally known as the Thai “O” Visa, offers a legal pathway to residency for foreign spouses. This visa allows foreign spouses to join their Thai partners and establish a life together in the Land of Smiles. This article […]
Dispute Resolution in Thailand
Disputes are a common aspect of human interactions, and they can arise in various contexts, from personal conflicts to business disputes. In Thailand, like in many countries, there are established mechanisms for resolving disputes efficiently and fairly. This comprehensive guide will explore the legal framework, dispute resolution methods, and key considerations when addressing disputes in […]
Trade Disputes in Thailand
Trade disputes are a common occurrence in the global economic landscape, and Thailand, as a major player in international trade, is no exception. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the legal framework, resolution mechanisms, and key considerations related to trade disputes in Thailand. Legal Framework Thailand’s legal framework for addressing trade disputes primarily includes […]
Labor Disputes in Thailand
Labor disputes are a common occurrence in workplaces worldwide, and Thailand is no exception. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the legal framework, resolution mechanisms, and employee rights associated with labor disputes in Thailand. Legal Framework Thailand has specific laws and regulations governing labor disputes, primarily outlined in the Labor Relations Act of 1975 […]
US-Thai Treaty of Amity
The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand, commonly known as the US-Thai Treaty of Amity, is a landmark agreement that has played a pivotal role in fostering diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties between the two nations. This comprehensive guide explores the historical context, key […]
Registering a Company Under the Thailand Board of Investment
Thailand has long been an attractive destination for foreign investors due to its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and thriving economy. To encourage foreign investment, the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) offers a range of incentives and privileges to businesses willing to establish a company in certain targeted industries. This comprehensive guide will walk you through […]